Europe US Travel: Open Those Borders Now!

When it comes to Europe US travel, the question on everyone’s lips is, “When comes reciprocity?”

France has been welcoming American tourists since June 9. But for French travelers wanting to board a flight to the United States, the light is still red. Except for US citizens and residents.

The lack of reciprocity is not being lost on many. Among them are the 11,000 people who align with the #LoveIsNotTourism online movement. “Please give us good news this week,” tweeted one on Monday. “Reopen transatlantic travel.” 

Critics point out the absurdity of a situation that sees non-vaccinated travelers from 160 countries currently flying to the US – but not vaccinated Europeans.

The largest international airline association dedicated to passengers agrees.

“A European national may fly to a nation with much higher COVID-19 infection rates, wait for 14 days, and then enter the United States after testing,” says Dr. Joe Leader. He’s CEO of the New York-based Airline Passenger Experience Association (APEX).

For some, the double standards hit a peak with the images of Kamala Harris’s stepdaughter, Ella Emhoff, on a yacht in southern France last month.

“Looks like we are not all equal in the end,” another user tweeted.

“While VP’s daughter went to France, we can’t leave the USA because of the travel ban. Our vaxxed parents can’t come to see their grandchildren. The hypocrisy is outstanding.”

After 18 months of US Europe travel bans, many hundreds of hearts have been broken and lives shattered.

Europe US Travel: Still No Timeline for US Border Re-opening For Europeans

Suitcases and signposts for US Europe travel
All those signposts – yet no flights in sight. Time, at last, to lift the US Europe travel ban and let people get packing, in both directions across the Atlantic.

Meanwhile, frustration in Europe and the US among long-split couples is escalating. Likewise, for European business and leisure travelers, of course, wanting to head to the US.

The lack of certainty on a timeline for border reopening continues to play havoc. Couples and families have been torn apart for up to 18 months. People have missed births, marriages, deaths, funerals – and months and months of their lives together.

They are being denied basic human rights in my mind – for no logical reason. It’s time to move on from blanket bans – well and truly. The kind of scenario played out in the following tweet (and over and over) is heartbreaking – if you have a heart.


Let’s hope sense and fairness prevail soon. The former POTUS promised a change on his travel ban and US border policy last May. Now, 15 months down the line, many more hearts have been broken and lives shattered. Biden is, surprisingly (and yes, disappointingly), yet to act on this.

The pressure is mounting on him from airlines and others for that to happen.

(Here’s my latest story on this issue as the US re-closes its borders to Canadians).



  1. Riddhi Jani

    I have not seen my fiancé since 18 months ! And yes there is absolutely no logic behind this travel ban ! Even as an educated and indeed as a research scientist I don’t feel this ban has any scientific grounds.

  2. Rene

    Maar Thiessen you have hit the problem and injustice correctly. Apparantly it depends on the social class you come from. There is also an Scandinavian royalty who could travel to the US without problems. One has to ask oneself whether visiting het partner is of national interest to the US more then than grandparents visiting g the Christianity of grandchildren or. In our case, being able to go back to one’s home as was our sail oat for the last 8 years being full time cruisers. I hope that your article will contribute to a soon opening up of the American borders to us europeans, the allies of US.

    1. Hi Rene. There are many hypocrisies laid bare in all these travel bans – I know for Australia too – some sports stars and celebrities get precedence over citizens being able to get home! I hope the pressure on Biden from all camps bears fruits soon too! Stay safe meantime, Tamara

  3. Julio Pineiro

    Stupidity at maximum level. You could say it louder, but not better. I totally agree with you. I cancelled my travel to NYC last december, and planned it to do next Xmas, but waiting desperately to see Mr Biden opening borders. What the hell are they waiting for????? Also, I am a travel agency owner who can not sell the destination because of the stupid rules.

    1. I truly would love to know what they are waiting for Julio. Million dollar question. I know what Europe is waiting for is reciprocity. Seems not only fair but sensible given the stats. I hope things improve fast for your business… so sorry! Enough suffering as I say.

  4. Ken L Lewis

    Biden will go down in history as the worst president in American history. We all saw what he did in Afghanistan against his Generals advice. Biden can not make coherent decisions on his own. That is why he has a work group telling him what to do and when he should open the border. What I have observed in the last 8 months he is not mentally fit to run our country. Now we all can see that the border is a political issue and he has no idea what to do. Now the EU leaders look upon the USA in total amazement. They have lost all confidents in the man that is suppose to be running what was once the greatest country in the world. America is not back! It has backslidden into a 3rd world country under his watch. The border should have been open when the EU open to Americans. However, Biden is not well and could not make that decision on his own. Watch America decay under this President and it will take the next President years to fix what this president has done to our country. My hope is not so much that the border be open but for this president to be removed from office before he completely destroys our country within. It reminds me of what happen to the Great Roman empire. It self destruct. We are watching a president self destruct right before our very eyes.

    1. Ken thanks for your comment. It’s disappointing for sure but remember who created this ban and promised to remove it from last May. But sure, I agree, a lack of reciprocity on this doesn’t seem fair at all in the current climate let alone making any sense.

  5. Lisa Talmey

    i haven’t seen my partner since January last year, it breaks my heart that we can’t be together because of this ridiculous ban still continuing. We have missed so many important events together that we would have shared and our future plans have all been delayed. it feels so cruel that loved ones are being kept apart like this and for so long. I check the latest news on travel every morning and every morning i am left disappointed and sad that nothing seems to be changing, not even a glimpse of a light at the end of the tunnel.

Be in touch!