Puss in Sink: CrittaSitta

Puss in Sink: CrittaSitta

The thing about living life from one pet to the other, is the absolute joy (and laughter) it brings. And it keeps resurfacing in time.

You’ve heard of puss in boots. Well, how about puss in sink? The last time I saw Moo-Moo, pretty much, she was nestling in for the night, in this bathroom sink! If only she’d told me she needed a bed for the night! I would have shared mine with her happily. I’m used to that after 30 plus years of pet sitting around the globe! For me, cats are the funniest creatures. Dogs may be more faithful (and, at times, clingy) … but cats are totally weird.  And adorable, and hilarious.

In truth, most animals I’ve looked after, crack me up in different ways. There are always memorable moments like this.

Here’s to remembering Moo-Moo. And all other priceless pets of my life. They truly are a universe in themselves.

Both me, Tamara Thiessen Travels and my @CrittaSitta persona are on Instagram.


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