Fearful Australians not wanting to travel – really?

Fearful Australians not wanting to travel – really?

Gee, whatever happened to the adventurous Aussie? Reading some of the latest findings, it would seem ‘fearful’ Australians are not wanting to travel. Fearful of what? Just about everything apparently according to comparison website Finder.

‘Jittery jet-setters: Half of Aussies reluctant to travel’ announces an email in my inbox.

Among the fearful findings are:

  • 26% of Australians worry that something will go wrong while holidaying overseas
  • 15% fear the headache of travel-related admin concerns
  • 12% fear break-ins at home during their absence
  • 8% feared being locked out of Australia (now this, I can understand, they’ve done it to me once, thank you, why not again)
  • 7% fear being away from a family member or friend in their care (7%), which is a real concern with the gap between OZ and Europe
  • Oh, and sweetly, 3.5 million people fear being away from their pets.

But therein lies another whole problem. For people have become ridiculously dependent on their pets, and their pets on them. The demands on pet sitters like me, are ridiculous, frankly, i.e., ‘don’t leave the house’! Get over it please. Break free and give us pet sitters a break too without these silly, unrealistic, throttling expectations.

Pack your bags and leave your worries – and Fido – behind you

Photo of Point des Poulains Belle Ile sur Mer France by Tamara Thiessen
Of course Australians want to head overseas! They know what wonders await them … like Belle-Île off Brittany’s coast in France. My photo at La Pointe des Poulains (ponies’ point!)

The fact people are willing to forego their overseas tripping for fear of Fido’s separation anxiety illustrates how things have gone overboard there. The only thing Australians don’t seem to be worried about is the baggage retrieval system at London’s Heathrow. Now you have to be of a certain vintage to get that one! Generation Z’s and Alphas, go google it.

All these fears – and phobias – are said to be grounding ‘millions’ of Australians. OK, from a sample of 1,000 or so people, I’m going to take that with a grain of salt. Even if there is some truth in the findings. ‘Missing friends and family (11%)’ is just as pathetic as an excuse not to travel. Folks, you only live once. Unchain yourselves and travel. As I say, all my writing is an invitation to roam

So, is it the prolonged effects of COVID that has made us so supposedly un-intrepid? A hangover from becoming far too settled in our ways, by force. If I am honest, I will admit that a little of this reluctance, and the ‘oh, I couldn’t be fagged with that distance’, crept in after COVID. But now, I’m rearing to go again.

When has ‘inconvenience’ been a turn-off for overseas travel for Australians? Try 17,000 whopping kilometers of inconvenience between us and Europe.

Of course, Finder finds that insurance is the answer. Or part of it. But their findings fly in the face (no pun intended) somewhat of other research that shows Australians are busting to travel, despite being once bitten twice shy by the ongoing travel disruptions. Another travel insurance company, Southern Cross, says 91% of Aussies are planning to travel at home or overseas this year, and trips are getting longer. (Possibly to make the hassles more worthwhile!)

I will also take all this fear stuff with a grain of salt, because just about everyone seems to be travelling right now, except me. I’m getting dizzy watching the frenetic overseas jaunts of my friends. Which have gone up a notch from last year’s already grand tour on steroids trips.

Look, travel can be a scary business, if you stop to think about it. Terrorist attacks, pickpockets and more violent theft. But gee, the answer is, don’t think about it. Otherwise, you will never leave home. As Tim Bennett from Finder rightly warns, ‘nervous travellers may have regrets later in life if they don’t confront their fears’.

Don’t confront them, ditch them! You won’t regret going. But you will if you don’t.

So just pack your bags and be off folks … leave all your worries and concerns and big bad fears behind! They will disappear into nothingness along the way. I promise. Travel – and the wonders of travel – will not allow these largely baseless fears to keep their grip for too long.

Book Critta Sitta for you next vacation

So, want to book me up for your next trip away, just contact Critta Sitta via Facebook. And just make sure you’re gone for at least a month, live in a palace – and don’t expect me to be a house prisoner with your pet.

Be in touch!